What is “On-Location” Photography & Videography??
“On Location” photography and videography is one of the many services provided by the Thomas Decker Studio. In this scenario, we bring the studio lighting and equipment to your location to maximize the visual impact of your project. This includes using the latest high resolution digital camera, which is connected to a computer for the client to review and approve on-site. It also includes commercial studio lighting kit, props and other equipment, as needed.
Being out on location can often be unconventional for photographers given the uncertainty and lack of control over external factors. Having over 30 years of location photography and cinematography experience, we have a vast amount of experience with this type of on-location lighting, creating dramatic projects for our customers.
Please take a look at our new videography sample reel in our previous blog post and contact us anytime to get an estimate on your next project.
Thank you.
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