Exact reproduction of original artwork is the goal achieved by the Thomas Decker Studio. Oil and Acrylic paintings, architectural drawings, illustrations, watercolors, maps, pencil drawings, 3D artwork, and anything else that cannot be wrapped around a drum scanner, are the subjects photographed.
Artwork is photographed by a technical photographer with flat field lenses and high resolution digital cameras. Commercial photography of artwork is another specialty of the Thomas Decker Studio. From one original to large volume collections, Accurate Reproduction Photography is the only goal of the Thomas Decker Studio. White glove service is used for your one-of-a-kind artwork. Come in for a consultation and enjoy the professional service and recommendations of the staff. Our Copy Wall can accommodate up to a 9’ high by 8’ wide original, and reproduce your piece with even light illumination and no distortion. Polarization allows the subject to be photographed with no visible highlights on raised paint, and compresses the dynamic range of the exposure to achieve bright whites and rich detailed blacks.
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