Product photography is one of the specialties at the Thomas Decker Studio. A commercial photographer on long island for over 30 years, Thomas Decker is an expert in product photography. Tom’s ability to ask the client questions to ascertain the needed information to assure that the client gets everything they need to accomplish their project correctly, timely, and with in budget.
Product photography is an attention to the subject’s details. Then compliment those details with lighting that represents the subject, three dimensional, in a two dimensional media. A products environment should compliment or enhance the subject’s impression. Product photography is the specialty at the Thomas Decker Studio on Long Island, New York. Photographing products in an environment or for a silhouette cut out is regularly achieved with stunning results. Testing the optimum lighting for subject matter and being able to capture all the details of the product is the goal on every project. Once your products arrive at the studio, they will be sorted and organized, looked over and detailed. Interviewing the customer and taking notes to refer back to are the next two steps in the process. The product is precisely cleaned and prepared for the set. If any composite packaging preparation is required, the studio is happy to help double stick all the boxes in preparation of the photography. During the capture process, a custom client chosen naming convention will be used to organize your project through out the process.
The Thomas Decker Studio has a full compliment of custom backgrounds to photograph your product against. Capturing the highest resolution digital files of your product allows the Thomas Decker Studio to offer you many options in post-production work. From custom cut silos to canvas & artist watercolor paper printing, the studio will assist you in all of our options.
If you think our product photography is great, please check out our still life set up photography https://tgdstudio.com/commercial-photography/still-life-photography/
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